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Creating a Basic HTML Web Page

1. Set Up the HTML Structure

Open a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) of your choice. Start with the HTML document structure by typing at the top. Create the HTML opening and closing tags ().

2. Add the Head Section

Within the HTML tags, create the head section using . Include the title of your web page between the opening and closing head tags using .

3. Create the Body Content

After the closing head tag, start the body section using . Within the body tags, you can add various elements such as headings, paragraphs, lists, and images.

4. Add Headings

Use heading tags



, and so on, to create headings of different levels. Add a main heading using

Your Main Heading

. Use subheadings with smaller heading tags to organize your content

5. Write Paragraphs

Create paragraphs using the paragraph tag

. Type your text content within the opening and closing paragraph tags.

6. Insert Images

Save your desired image file in the same directory as your HTML file. Use the tag to insert an image, with the src attribute specifying the image file name. Provide alternative text using the alt attribute to describe the image for accessibility.

7. Create Lists

Use the

    tags for an unordered list or
      tags for an ordered list. Within the list tags, add list items using the
    1. tags. Type each list item between the opening and closing list item tags.

      8. Save the HTML File

      Save the file with an appropriate name, using the .html extension (e.g., index.html).

      9. Preview the Web Page

      Open the HTML file in a web browser to see how your web page looks.

      10. Further Enhancements

      Explore additional HTML tags and attributes to add more elements and styles to your web page. Learn CSS to style your HTML page with colors, fonts, and layouts.


      Remember to always validate your HTML code using online tools or browser extensions to ensure it follows the correct syntax and structure.
