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How to Make a Homemade Face Mask

1. Gather Materials

To make a homemade face mask, you’ll need some fabric (cotton works best), elastic bands or hair ties, scissors, and a needle and thread or sewing machine.

2. Cut Fabric

Cut two pieces of fabric into rectangles measuring 10 inches by 6 inches.

3. Fold and Sew

Fold the long sides of the fabric over by 1/4 inch and hem. Then fold the short sides over by 1/2 inch and sew down.

4. Add Elastic

Thread a 6-inch piece of elastic through the wider hem on each side of the mask, securing the ends of the elastic with a knot.

5. Pleat and Sew

Make three evenly spaced pleats along the short sides of the mask, pinning them in place. Sew around the entire mask to secure the pleats.

6. Wear and Wash

Your homemade face mask is now ready to wear! Remember to wash it regularly in hot water to keep it clean. I hope this Waysto helps you make your own homemade face mask!
