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Discovering the World with Monkey Magic


Monkey Magic is a popular YouTube channel with over 1.75M subscribers . The channel features travel documentaries and vlogs that take viewers on adventures around the world.

Road Trip from Delhi to London

One of the channel’s most popular videos is about a road trip from Delhi to London . In this video, the channel’s creator shares his dream of going on a never-ending road trip and takes viewers along for the ride.

Travel Series

The channel features several travel series that explore different parts of India and the world. These series showcase the beauty and diversity of different regions and cultures.

Adventure and Exploration

Monkey Magic’s videos often feature adventure and exploration, such as trekking in the Himalayas or walking on a frozen river . These videos showcase the thrill of discovering new places and experiencing new challenges.

Personal Stories

In addition to travel content, Monkey Magic also shares personal stories and experiences. These videos provide a glimpse into the life of the channel’s creator and offer a more intimate look at his journey.

Behind the Scenes

Monkey Magic also shares behind-the-scenes content that gives viewers a look at what goes into creating their videos. This includes footage of their travels, as well as insights into their creative process.


Monkey Magic has built a strong community of followers who share their love of travel and adventure. The channel often engages with their audience through comments, live streams, and social media.

Join the Adventure

If you’re interested in travel and adventure, be sure to check out Monkey Magic’s YouTube channel . Subscribe to join the adventure and explore the world with Monkey Magic!


I hope this longer Waysto helps you learn more about the YouTube channel “Monkey Magic”!
